Table Rules

Table Rules

Rules for Playing Time

A player can only use one paddle to be placed in a queue. When there is a queue at a table, practice time before a match should be limited to five minutes.  At the end of the 5-minute practice time, if the players do not want to play a match, they can choose to keep practicing for an additional 15 minutes for a total practice time of 20 minutes.

Players who exhaust their 20 minutes of practice, will step away from the table and make room for waiting players.

At the end of the 5-minute practice time, if the players do want to play a match, they can proceed to do so by playing a best-of-five-game set, with each game ending at 11 points, unless the scores are tied at 10. If the scores are tied at 10, the first player whose score is two points higher than the other wins the game.

The loser of a match always leaves the table.

The winner of two consecutive matches must also leave the table. If there are two or more paddles waiting at the table, the two new players will have the table. If there is only one paddle waiting, the waiting player may play the winner. In this situation, the winner essentially leaves the table temporarily. Since there is no other player waiting to play at the table, the winner may return to play the only waiting player.

People waiting to play will have to put their paddles under a table where they wish to play; simply waiting near the table will not be enough to show that they are waiting to play.

A designated beginners only table is available for those players wishing to play beginners and not intermediate/advanced players (this table is on the far end furthest away from the entrance).  Beginners would fall under the category of players with less than one year or less than 50 hours of total playing experience.  Beginners would be welcome on any tables, but the advanced/experienced players are not allowed on the beginners table.

If more than 16 players show for practice the beginners only table will be dedicated as a doubles only table (this table is on the far end furthest away from the entrance).  If not enough interest exists with four players to play doubles then the table will revert back to a beginner only table (until the table becomes available again and doubles is reconsidered).

Note:  These rules *will* be enforced.  Please report violations to any of the members who serve on the Board.  Violations will be investigated and appropriate action taken.  Players who continue to violate the rules will be asked and expected to leave the club permanently.